Asia Minor is a closed country, unable to worship God freely. Although the land of Asia Minor was originally where Apostle Paul did his ministry, it transformed into a predominantly Muslim country throughout time. Since we cannot conduct open evangelism there, we become friends to spread the gospel. We have time to build relationships through English clubs and get to know each other more through picnics, and we will share testimonies and communicate our faith during Culture Night.
FUNDRAISING GOAL AMOUNT: $6,000 / a studentFUNDRAISING DUE DATE: 5/24/2024MISSION DATES: 5/27-6/22K-Conference: 6/24-28CONTACT:
Our team is consists of 1staff and 7students; team leader, Bora Kim gsn and Sara Stamos (CSULB), Jonathan Lim (CSUF), Esther Kim (CSULB), Jongha Hwang (CSULB), Hannah Nam (CPP), Issac Han (CSUF), Soohyun Song (CSULB), We are looking for one student applicant.