Asia Minor is a predominantly Muslim country located in the Middle East. For over a thousand years, this region was a stronghold of Christianity. Later it became a center for the spread of Islam. There are 1,000 colleges, but very little specific campus ministry, apart from a few major cities. Our team will have English Club meetings- potentially virtually before we leave and also on the field. Through these meetings, we will befriend students, grow deeper in our relationships, and have spiritual conversations. At the end of our trip, we will invite all the friends we made to a Friends / Culture Night, where we will do a Gospel presentation. Please partner with us in helping fulfill the Great Commission!
FUNDRAISING GOAL AMOUNT: $6,000 / studentFUNDRAISING DUE DATE: 5/22/2024MISSION DATES: 5/26-6/18K-Conference: 6/24-28CONTACT:
Our big team consists of 2 staff members (Shinne Park and Ellen Lee) and 11 students (Alex Seo, Ashly Sanchez, Holden Kim, Joseph Kim, Laura Zhao, Natalie Yu, Paul Seong, Sarah Kim, Serena Lau, Silvia Lee, Timothy Park). 10 of us are going to Asia Minor with SOON for the first time this summer! God has purposefully and intentionally handpicked this team and we’re excited to grow and work together. Please pray that our hearts would be protected and that we would fight to love one another.